
Chat Rooms - Action Chat Help

Getting Started
Establish Your Identity On the Main Chat Window there are two boxes, Your Name and Your Profile. Enter your name in the first box and an optional profile in the second box. Your profile can include links to Web pages in the form and links to e-mail addresses in the form
Enter a Chat Room Click a room name to see the list of people in the room. Click the Enter Room button to enter a room.
Start Chatting Type your chat messages in the space at the bottom of the chat room window and press the Enter key to send your message.
Launch a Private Chat Once you're in a chat room, double click a name to launch a private chat session with any visitor in the room.
Menu items
Places (main chat window only)
Enter Room Select this menu item to enter a chat room. The Enter Room button performs the same function.
Refresh Rooms Select this menu item to refresh the list of chat rooms. The Refresh Rooms button performs the same function.
Exit Select this menu item to disconnect from the server and close all applet windows.
Room (chat room window only)
Close Select this menu item to close the chat room window.
Font Name Select this menu item to choose a font for the chat rooms.
Font Style Select this menu item to choose Regular, Italic, Bold or Bold Italic font styles in the chat rooms.
Increase Font Select this menu item to increase the size of the chat room fonts.
Decrease Font Select this menu item to decrease the size of the chat room fonts.
Entrance Alerts Select this menu item to display the name and profile of each person who enters a chat room. Select it again to turn off the feature.
Audio Alerts Select this menu item to allow other people in the chat room to Ring you with an Audio Alert. Select it again to turn off the feature. Select both this menu item and the Entrance Alerts menu item to hear a sound each time a new person enters the chat room.
Show Count Changes Select this menu item to have the room count displayed whenever someone enters or leaves the room. Select it again to turn off the feature.
People (chat room window only)
Ring name To signal someone with a sound, click once on the name of the visitor you want to Ring, then select this menu item. The sound will be played only if the person you select has Audio Alerts enabled.
Ignore name To Ignore someone, click once on the name of the visitor you want to Ignore, then select this menu item. All chat messages and private chat requests from that person will be ignored.
Unignore name To Unignore someone you're ignoring, click once on the name of the visitor you want to Unignore, then select this menu item.
Count Select this menu item to display the count of people in the room.
Help Contents Select this menu item to display this Web page.
About ActionChat Select this menu item to display product information about the ActionChat applet.

Action Chat™.